New User Experience: Voice picking increases job satisfaction

Voice picking is now easier and more comfortable to use than ever before. Traditional voice picking has gained its reputation based on users’ previous experiences, but today, voice picking as a solution has fundamentally changed and is transforming the playing field.

Voice picking must be top-notch, it should work in noise or on the move. Reliability relies on seamless communication between the user and the application; speech recognition has evolved significantly compared to solutions from years past.

Today’s voice picking solution is device-independent. You can use a familiar smart device or alternatively a tablet or PDA – the choice is yours. Device acquisitions are also highly cost-effective, even in the hundred-dollar range. The solution is compatible with a smart device, which includes a visual component. This way, the application provides the user with both audio and visual elements, making the user experience clear, easily understandable, and above all, efficient.

The solution must be easy to learn. Only a few voice commands need to be remembered along with an alternative way to operate, such as the possibility of using peripheral devices or communicating with a smart device using a keyboard. This ensures that the user does not become frustrated in a situation that is practically impossible to handle through speech alone.

Comfort, reliability, and user-friendliness are paramount. A positive user experience is formed by these factors. When usage is comfortable, efficiency increases, and costs decrease. Everyone benefits.

The new solution changes the way of operating. It’s not just a voice picking solution, but a hybrid solution, which is proven to be the most effective and fastest way to operate. The solution includes elements that are user-selectable: speech, visual, and the possibility of using peripheral devices. The voice picking of the future offers the perfect combination of voice, image, and reliability.

Leo Hämäläinen, CEO / Devoca Oy


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