A modern multimodal picking solution brings many benefits compared to traditional paper-based and scanner-based warehouse picking processes. Voice control frees the user’s hands and allows them to move around the warehouse with their head up, eyes turned in the direction of progress or work throughout the process. Users don’t need to stop and read, scan, or write separately; they can listen and speak fluently while doing other tasks. When speech control is combined with scanners attached to the back of the hand or fingers and wearable devices like Devoca Talk’nPick, it leads to significant benefits in warehouse operations. The benefits are so significant that in the case of Devoca’s solution, the payback period for investment can be as short as a few months.
Improved operational productivity comes from several sources. Below are the most significant ones. The list is not entirely comprehensive, and the relative importance of these factors may vary depending on the warehouse.
Use of Voice: Eliminating paper or clunky hand scanners from a worker’s hand can save seconds per picking, directly improving productivity by up to 15%, depending on the starting point process.
Process Optimization: Greater productivity gains, up to 60%, can be achieved by combining voice control with other potential process improvements. Devoca’s customers who use voice as part of the picking process control have achieved up to 50% improvement in picking efficiency. Additional benefits are obtained by optimizing the entire process, which Talk’nPick and its warehouse management features enable.
User-friendliness: When users can choose the desired mode of use for each situation, worker productivity improves. Users can assess and choose the most efficient work method for each phase and situation. Forcing workers to use only voice picking may hinder the transition to new tools and bring challenges to the adoption process. Voice is also not always the most efficient way to manage the process in all stages. Devoca’s customers have significantly higher satisfaction than traditional voice collection, enabling more efficient warehouse work through better job satisfaction.
Using voice, pickers can confirm the items and quantities they pick during processing. By working seamlessly with scanners, errors are significantly reduced compared to paper-based systems. Even warehouses with high picking accuracy can reduce picking errors by 30-40%.
Voice-guided processes are more intuitive for users. The number of words to be learned in Talk’nPick is clearly the lowest, and Devoca’s customers have noticed that a new worker can be trained in tens of minutes.
Employees who move around with their hands- and eyes free are more aware of their surroundings. A satisfied and observant worker also means fewer accidents. Job satisfaction also has a long-term impact on absences, which always affect the productivity of the warehouse.
Devoca has developed the ability, through its own experience, to quickly assess the development potential and profitability of each warehouse. If you want to make such an investment in your own warehouse, please contact us.
You can hear more about the benefits of Devoca from our customers, such as Jyrki Ristinen from Medifon in his video interview. With over six years of experience and a team of over 40 pickers, he knows what he’s talking about.
21st April / Devoca Oy