Stefan Hasselgren to develop Devoca’s Swedish operations

As Devoca’s business expands to Sweden, a new resource started in our team. Stefan Hasselgren joined into Devoca’s sales team, and he will act as a business development advisor and be responsible for designated projects. Through Stefan’s long and extensive experience, we are able to quickly open our business in the growing Swedish market.

Stefan is a great reinforcement and a respected local influencer, whose support we expect a lot from bringing Devoca’s solutions to the Swedish market. Stefan has a long and diverse experience in the strategic development of supply chain and IT areas. He has worked as a CIO at COOP and Lantmännen in Sweden and as a Supply Chain Director at Kraft Foods Nordic. As a consultant, he has assisted several small, medium, and large organizations in developing information systems and processes.

With Stefan, we can gain momentum in identifying the potential of the Swedish market and supporting resellers. This will enable the way for the sale of Devoca’s solutions to Swedish target companies.

We warmly welcome Stefan to the Devoca family, you can read more about Stefan here.


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